Cocoapods integration in Kotlin Multiplatform project

Anutosh Datta
1 min readNov 23, 2020
Photo by Bankim Desai on Unsplash

In a Kotlin Multiplatform project we can add dependencies on Pod libraries stored in the Cocoapods repository or stored locally. We can manage the pod dependencies directly in Intellij Idea/Android Studio without having to switch to Xcode ever. In this post, I will show how to add Firebase Pods in a KMP project.

  1. Add Cocoapods plugin in build.gradle
plugins {    

2. Add version

Version is required for .podspec file

version = "1.0.0"

3. Add cocoapods block inside Kotlin target

kotlin {    
iOSTarget("ios") {}
summary = "Sample KMP Project"
homepage = ""
frameworkName = "SampleKMP"


Make sure to not define framework name inside iOSTarget block as this will conflict with frameworkName inside cocoapods block.

4. Run gradle task — ./gradlew podspec

5. Invalidate Caches/Restart and sync gradle

6. Finally import pods dependencies in Kotlin file

import cocoapods.FirebaseCore.FIRApp
import cocoapods.FirebaseMessaging.FIRMessaging

Below is a sample gradle file with all the above changes.

Hope this post helps someone in adding Cocoapods dependencies to KMP project!!

